Consistent with our philosophy of using the best available technology, GenUs utilizes GeneSpring software for gene expression data analysis. GeneSpring is widely regarded as the gold standard for identifying targets reliably and quickly. This software enables us to sift through an almost infinite number of data points and uncover genes of interest or gene expression patterns. With this technology, you can ask detailed questions and receive accurate and reproducible answers that are based upon complex gene expression data sets. We also use GeneSpring to provide our customers with useful visual representations of gene expression data to create a clear picture of areas of interest and quickly identify expression patterns from large amounts of data. For our clients who run numerous samples over time, the software also enables us to confidentially search through data from their past experiments to find samples with similar profiles. And to ensure generally recognized peer-reviewed publishing standards are met, the software supports MIAME compliance.
Key GeneSpring Features Include:
- Advanced statistical tools
- Data clustering
- Visual filtering
- 3D data visualization
- Data normalization
- Pathway views
- Search for similar samples
- Support for MIAME compliance
- Scripting
- Mage-ML export
GenUs Biosystems uses GeneSpring software to help demystify the reams of genomic data that gene expression experimentation can generate. In addition to delivering raw data for our clients to analyze, we create easy-to-interpret reports that help them focus on their genes of interest.
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